Saturday, December 31, 2011

Fear of repercussion = year of self censorship?

Well now.  Just over a year has passed and I've been offered to associate my Blog with my 6 month old Google+ account.  Given I use my Google+ account on a daily basis, this seems to be a good way to prod me in to actually expressing my opinion and feelings on my blog.

After all, the whole point of the blog was so I could express, voice, or even vent my feelings, thoughts and beliefs.  However, I've been concerned about expressing an opinion that could get me in trouble.  For instance, if I were to say something about Blogger or Google that was not favorable, would they close my account?  Certainly many expressed opinions as Google+ went from a field trial with invites only to a service open to all, all the time still developing, morphing into what it is today.

I kept quiet on my Blogger account but opened my trap a few times with my Google+ account, after all that was the service I wanted to participate in giving constructive feedback as they requested.  Now that we seem to have evolved with Google+ I'm hoping (fingers crossed) that it is safe to merge the two accounts and to blog on that topic if I choose.

While I have no intention of blogging exclusively on Google+, I felt my addiction (is that the right word) to it and my absence of activity was worthy of a post.  I find that the connection with people of similar interests (even opposing view points) via social media outlets like Google+ and Twitter is expanding my view of the world and is even helping me understand myself and my interaction with those around me.  Have I become self aware? ;)

Is Google+ nirvana?  No, but I do use it more and enjoy it more than Facebook.  As for a comparison with Twitter it is about even.  Of course if you are the kind of person who loves Facebook, and can't stand Twitter then you may have a difference of opinion.  Which is okay, you don't have to agree with me.

Hopefully my fear of getting rapped in the mouth (or my account) for expressing my own opinion is subsiding and the next time I blog it won't have had the span of 12 months separating it from it's previous instance.